Rough Paper
Rough Paper Wood Oil for Multi Purpose 多用途護木油
Rough Paper Wood Oil for Multi Purpose 多用途護木油
容量:110 ml / 250 ml
使用方法:用乾淨棉布或海綿取適量 Wood Oil,在木器塗抹上薄薄一層,反覆推拭均勻後等待12-24 小時讓木器吸收。待上一層油乾透後,便可塗上另一層,重複動作至少 2-3 次,讓整件木器都吸收到充足的油份。完成塗抹後等待 24 小時讓木器乾燥,可將多餘油份抹去。
※ 請在木器處於乾淨以及乾燥的狀態下才進行保養
※ 請勿一次塗上過多護木油以致木器難以吸收
※ 建議上油後使用 Wood Butter 覆蓋木材毛孔,形成防水、抗污表層,加強保護功效
※ 保護層會隨著木器的使用及清潔逐漸減退,定期保養,木器就可以更耐用
Ingredients:USA Food Grade Mineral Oil, Japanese Hinoki Oil
Net Weight:110 ml / 250 ml
Origin:Handcrafted in Hong Kong
Suitable For:Furniture, Dinnerware, Cutting Boards, etc.
Storage: Keep at room temperature and keep away from sunshine
Features: Our wood oil can apply to all species of wood, it penetrates into the surface of the wood, protecting it from cracking splitting and warping. It also gives protection to reduce wood exposure to water & moisture.
Application:Wipe thin layer on, dry for 12-24 hours. Once the previous layer has dried, wipe another thin layer on, probably 2-3 coat of oil is your optimum. Let dry 24 hours, wipe off the rest oil.
※ Please wipe the dust off and make sure the wood is totally dry before application.
※ Being careful not to use too much wood oil at a time or it won’t sink in.
※ Wood Butter can be use after the wood oil application, it will increase sheen and give extra protection for the wood.
※ Protection of wood oil / wood wax will decrease while the wooden cutting board / dinnerware used or cleaned for serval times. Apply a new coat to protect for your wooden things to keep it more durable.