
所有申請退換之貨品必須為未使用狀態,並保留完整包裝及購買單據。申請請在購買或收貨後 3 日內提出,本公司不接受超過 3 日之退換申請。
如有需要,可電郵至 hohomymud@gmail.com 聯絡本公司作進一步安排。

< 部分貨品不設退換,包括但不限於以下物品:特價貨品、貼身衣物、食品、雜誌等。>


All returned product must be unused and the original package should be kept well. Original receipt for return application would be needed. 

If the product that you purchased contains any defect or wrong product received, please contact us within 3 days after receive the products. All product return application outside this period will not be entertained.
Once order is processed to deliver, please note that no refund would be offer against purchases.  Exception for the product’s defect when out of stock to exchange.
Exchange service are offered only to wrong deliveries or product defect not cause by client or delivery. 

If needed, please take picture with original receipt and email us for application. We would contact you for acceptance of product exchange. Exchange offer will be decline to any application without giving any reason, or for the reason of clients’ own dislike or mistake purchases. 

<Please note there will be no product exchange for sale products, clothes, socks, food & beverage and magazines, etc.>   
 HOHO MYMUD reserve all rights of final decision.